Deep Fry Squid Ring (CALAMARI RING)


Deep Fry Squid Ring (CALAMARI RING) its easy to prepare


Prep Time5 minutes
Recipe StatusFeatured


  • 500 g squid ring
  • 500 mg oil for deep frying
  • 300 g corn flour
  • 1⁄2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1⁄2 tsp pepper
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 tbsp curry powder
  • 3 pn spice powder
  • 1 tbsp plain flour


1. Marinade squid for at least 30 minutes. I left them in the fridge for the 1 whole night.
2. Coat with corn flour and deep fry the rings (in batches) about 1 minute, or until they are golden (the secret to crispy calamari is hot, hot oil, just below the smoking point).
3. Serve immediately with lemon wedges, garlic mayo or any sauce you want.


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